Montessori Toys, Materials & Furniture

Wood and Hearts Playground Sets for 4 Years Old

Buy Wood and Hearts playground sets for 4 years old online. offers a complete overview of all Montessori Wood and Hearts playground sets for 4 years old.`


Denys Shkribliak has been getting inspiration from his kids. He started applying wood because he learns that it is safer than plastic. He also applies Montessori and Pikler’s approaches to designing.
WoonandHearts have been creating their furniture using wood and safe materials for children. They have also been certified by CE and CPC as well as other major international toy standards.
Age: 8 Months-8 Years
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Age: 8 Months-8 Years
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Age: 1 Year and Up
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maria montessori image
"Gradually, we came to recognise the child’s love for order and witnessed its surprising memory of the exact position of each object. " Maria Montessori, Citizen of the World
Age: 1-6 Years
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