Montessori Toys, Materials & Furniture

Montessori Colored Beads

Montessori colored beads are beads in different colors that represent different quantities.


Age: 5 Years and Up
Free shipping
Age: 3-8 Years
$217.55 Shipping
Age: 5 Years and Up
$649.35 Shipping
Age: 4 Years and Up
$357.06 Shipping
Age: 5 Years and Up
Free shipping
Age: 4 Years and Up
$13.25 Shipping
Children use colored beads to learn about mathematics.
Age: 3-8 Years
$5.50 Shipping
Age: 5-9 Years
Free shipping
Age: 5 Years and Up
Free shipping
Age: 3 Years and Up
$6.99 Shipping
Age: 4 Years and Up
$5.50 Shipping
Age: 3-8 Years
$6.99 Shipping
Colored beads are ideal for children aged 3 and up.
Age: 4 Years and Up
$16.00 Shipping
Age: 3 Years and Up
$17.90 Shipping
Age: 5.5 Years and Up
$16.00 Shipping
Maria Montessori image
"Four-year-old children composed numbers up to a thousand; and, later, children between five and six years of age made such remarkable progress that today six-year-old children can perform the four operations on numbers running into the thousands. " Maria Montessori, The Discovery of the Child

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